البروكلي مضاد للأكسدة القوية ويعمل علي الحد من الحساسية والإلتهابات و الوقاية من السرطان> 41.17 سعرة حرارية لكل 100 جم <
Nutritional value per (100 grams)
Dietary energy: 34 kJDietary fiber: 2.4 gCarbohydrates: 6.64 gSugar: 1.7 gTotal protein: 2.82 g
Broccoli can be eaten raw or cooked and is light enough to be paired with many flavors and textures. It can be incorporated into salads, added to a vegetable dish, or enjoyed dipped in various sauces and dressings. Sauté carrots, onions, and celery in a pot, add chopped broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, and vegetable stock, then cook until tender and puree into soup.